BusyFeet is a dance and movement activity for children with intellectual and physical disabilities, aged 6 to16 years.
The participants will experience happiness, and develop more self confidence, through the movement of dance.
To experience BusyFeet, join our Stonnington dance teachers in an online BusyFeet dance session by
clicking following link... BusyFeet online dance session

BusyFeet is another local project of The Rotary Club of Chadstone / East Malvern. www.rotarychadstone.org.au
The dance group meets weekly during the school term and caters for disabilities ranging from various degrees of autism, Down Syndrome, profoundly deaf and cerebral palsy. The extreme differences in abilities and concentration levels pose particular challenges for the teachers and the volunteers. As confidence from both sides continues to grow these difficulties are progressively being overcome.
Children who commenced the program lacking confidence and lack of attention have now become more focused. Children who were showing reluctance and apprehension on entering the dance premises now run through the door for their nametags and are eager to start to dance. Similarly parents and carers who were resigned to persuading their children to get involved now find that the children do not want to miss a class even if they have been off school feeling unwell.
BusyFeet became endorsed as a Rotary District 9800 Endorsed program in 2013. We would highly recommend the BusyFeet program to other Rotary Clubs who wish to engage with their communities for their special children as there are very few programs available for these families.